How Many Walls?
Property Improvement Enterprises Springvale Rd Project No More Walls
The Property Improvement Enterprise crew has completed our demolition of the Springvale property the question keeps coming up as to how many walls do we really need. We do need enough so the roof doesn’t collapse so we can’t take out any structural walls, but with the current designs moving to more and more open space how do we define function. We are eliminating a formal dining room since consensus is that it may get used once a year if at all these days.
We do need some space to put light switches when you enter a space so where do we put them in an open space which may be utilized for two or three functions. But then if we automate the lights with some wireless connected Phillips Smart Bulbs the you just need your cell or voice to adjusting lighting in any connected rooms.
As an engineer I look at the space and just think of how efficiently you can move around, but I know that may not be the way most people think. So I have hired Geri Yantis of Sutton & Yantis, an architect to help with the layout and an interior designer, Dorothy Durbin, so we can come up with the best combination of form versus function.